Saturday, February 9, 2013

Amazing Grace

When was the last time we pondered over the grace of God? You know that was something that hit me like a ton of bricks the other day when I made some bad choices that I had severely regretted and was sorry for. But then it hit me when I had read someone Else's note and how that person had said of how undeserving she was of God's grace. It hit me that man we are all in the same boat! I started tearing up and asking the Lord for His forgiveness and kept "Reminding" Him of all the flaws I had within me and forgetting what He had accomplished in me. I was degrading myself and it sort of felt good to do so because I had felt I was doing myself justice in that way or manner.

But have you ever wondered that maybe the whole idea of grace is like or similar to a scandal? Picture a court scene. The Judge is ready to pass the sentence to the criminal and the verdict has been reached. But out of nowhere, the Judge walks to the criminal and says, " You are free to go home; your penalty has been paid for". People in the courtroom would be angry over the Judge letting the criminal go free just because someone else paid the crime's penalty. If I were to see such a thing especially on the news channel or on the Internet, I would be shocked as anyone else would be. But if you think about it, that's what happened when I received Christ as my Lord and Savior and the same with every believer. We were guilty and deserved to die, but Christ stepped in and paid the price and as a result, the charges were dropped. It is so easy to take the Lord's grace for granted when we don't think about how much suffering He went through for our sins and even for the ones we want to hold on to. Who are we to deserve such love and mercy and grace from the Lord God Almighty?

I don't know about you but I am so happy that He loves me without condition or without reservations. I wish that I appreciated His love and grace everyday as I should and may God help me to do so. This is not to bring you down but to challenge you to seek to know the depth of His grace even though we will never fully understand it because it's something that is of God. Something that is of God can never be fully comprehended because it's of a nature that completely supersedes our mental capacity to understand it. Nonetheless, I am thankful that He has given us a chance to live a holy and pure life for His glory. I am happy that He has used my mistakes and my sins as billboards of mercy. Where would we be without His mercy and grace? 

Do not try to over analyze this or try to bring out a theological point through this because this is not a theological lesson. It's a lesson that only be taken from the heart and not the mind. I pray that this will endeavor yourself and everyone else that reads this note to plead with the Lord to increase our passion for Him because if you are not crazy abut the Lord, then there may need to be a check up because He is crazy about us and He wants us to be crazy about Him as well.

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